Sometimes these surveys/games are annoying and sometimes they reveal much about the person who plays along. This list is inspired by one written by a teenager; I found a rewrite on a Gen-Xer friend’s blog and rewrote part of it for Boomers and Gen-Xers.
First, the instructions, if you want to do it: Copy and paste the whole list, then remove the number of each item you have not done (but leave the item). Renumber it and add up your list. Add comments along the way. If you post this on a blog, let me know (in my Comments section). Here are mine:
I Have Done 100 of These 100 Things
[1] I have read a lot of books.
[2] I have run a 10k race.
[3] I have been to Canada.
[4] I have been to Mexico.
[5] I watched every episode of an entire multi-year TV series (NYPD Blue).
[6] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
[7] I have played trombone in a band, in public.
[8] I have played bass guitar.
[9] I have played saxophone (in front of a music teacher, but not in public).
[10] I’ve been married more than once.
[11] I have been on a whale watch.
[12] I have seen a spectacular Independence Day fireworks show (launched within a mile of where the Star Spangled Banner was written).
[13] I have seen a meteor shower.
[14] I have almost drowned.
[15] I have listened to one CD over and over and over again.
[16] I have had stitches.
[17] I have dislocated my shoulder (more than once).
[18] I have seen a sunset and a moonrise from the same spot on the same evening (at the Grand Canyon).
[19] I have been to the top of lighthouse (two, actually, twice each).
[20] I’ve been in a hurricane.
[21] I have worked a reverse 9 to 5 job … 9 PM to 5 AM.
[22] I have been married more than once.
[23] I have been in a hot air balloon race.
[24] I have fallen flat on my face.
[25] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[26] I have been a passenger in a helicopter.
[27] I've been/am in love.
[28] I have visited more than half of the 50 U.S. states.
[29] I have been in the real West Wing.
[30] I have friends who live more than 2000 miles from where I live.
[31] I have already had my 42nd birthday.
[32] I've called someone stupid.
[33] I've been in a verbal argument.
[34] I've cried in public.
[35] I have friends who have survived breast cancer (so far).
[36] I've narrated an event in front of a large crowd (40,000 spectators in a stadium).
[37] I've been completely alone on a beach.
[38] I’ve been in a car accident while driving someone else’s car.
[39] I've been swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.
[40] I've been swimming in the Gulf of Mexico (in the US and in Mexico).
[41] I’ve won more than I’ve lost playing the slots in Vegas.
[42] I've called myself an idiot.
[43] I've called someone else an idiot.
[44] I've taken a day off from work just so I don't go insane.
[45] I've had/have pets.
[46] I've owned a Madonna CD.
[47] I've owned a Neil Diamond CD (stop laughing!).
[48] I've asked a celebrity to say something they are famous for saying (James Earl Jones “Luke, you are my son” in his Darth Vader voice while recording him on the phone … instead he said “THIS … is CNN”).
[49] I've owned a black and white TV.
[50] I've interviewed an astronaut (actually a Mission Specialist in the Shuttle program)
[51] I've had a conversation with a Mayor.
[52] I've had a conversation with a Senator.
[53] I have sworn/yelled at someone of authority.
[54] I've been in the newspaper.
[55] I've been on TV.
[56] I've been homesick.
[57] I've owned more than 10 vehicles.
[58] I’ve owned a car that didn’t even have seat belts.
[59] I've met members of the Gilligan’s Island cast.
[60] I’ve seen cast members from Happy Days in their underwear (in the locker room before a celebrity baseball game – what did you think I meant?).
[61] I've watched the Smurfs (as an adult).
[62] I've been fired from a job.
[63] I've been called a geek.
[64] I've been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
[65] I've lied to someone to their face.
[66] I've hugged someone I hardly knew.
[67] I've engaged in other related activity with someone I hardly knew.
[68] I've met a few celebrities/music artists.
[69] I've written poetry.
[70] I've been fingerprinted at a police station.
[71] I've been attracted to someone much older than me.
[72] I've been attracted to someone much younger than me.
[73] I have siblings.
[74] I've listened to country music and enjoyed it.
[75] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
[76] I've been in a play.
[77] I've been picked last in gym class.
[78] I've served in the military.
[79] I've been an altar boy and a choir boy.
[80] I’ve been in a spelling bee.
[81] I've studied languages other than English (but never really learned to speak any of them).
[82] I've had a verbal fight with someone face-to-face.
[83] I've had serious conversations via IM.
[84] I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
[85] I've been forgiven.
[86] I've spoken my mind in public.
[87] I've proven someone wrong.
[88] I've been proven wrong by someone.
[89] I've seen someone die.
[90] I've screamed at the top of my lungs.
[91] I've been completely drenched in a storm.
[92] I've been so close to a lightning strike that my armhair stood up.
[93] I've lived at more than 20 addresses.
[94] I've driven on the beach and got stuck.
[95] I've sold Christmas trees at a department store (Sears).
[96] I've wanted to be an actor at some point.
[97] I've taken something/someone for granted.
[98] I've made fun of someone.
[99] I've realized how good my life is.
[100] I've counted my blessings.
Is Anybody Out There?
2 months ago