On this, my one hundredth post, I decided to reflect on a subject that many Boomers are obsessed with: age.
Let’s face it, we all think we’re still 35. I feel and act 45. I look younger than that (the photo to the left was taken three years ago). I turned 50 a few years ago and this blog is almost the only place where I admit that. I continue to have trouble saying my age out loud because of the negative perceptions so many people have of that number.
Yet, I seem to have that perception too. Case in point: 34-year-old Ian recently paid me a nice compliment on his blog, saying, “He reminds me a lot of the cool uncle I never had growing up.” Cool uncle? Growing up? He must be talking about some 50-year-old.
Oh wait, I AM some 50-year-old.
January is my re-evaluation month and it ends with another birthday. Fortunately a few years remain before I have to change the name of this blog. I’m feeling better about my age today than I did a few months ago. The holidays are behind me, I’ve returned to my healthy eating habits and I’m working out again. I had a wonderful vacation last month. Things are good. I feel, uhhh, young. Younger than 50.
Back in my first post, I answered my question what is the point of this blog? by saying, “As I grow older, I have a greater need to communicate than I did at a younger age. This mostly one-way style suits me fine. I welcome feedback and an exchange of ideas, but I’ll be happy if I’m the only reader of this material.”
Ten months later I have about ten regular readers and I look forward to the feedback. And what’s really cool is that most of you aren’t even Boomers.
Thanks for visiting.
Is Anybody Out There?
2 weeks ago
may i be included in your fan club? i think you look fabulous and fifty nowadays is hardly old. you made it this far...i think it is cause for celebration! here is to a brand new year for us all. one thing we all share in common is that we all grow and change. this is a good thing!
Thanks. Yes, let's celebrate!! A toast to a brand new year.
Congrats on your 100th post and Happy New Year.
I think you look great, personally!
To me, age has always been at least partly a state of mind. Before I moved here 11 years ago to get married, I used to be part of a large group of friends and acquaintances who were anywhere from 21 to 56.
Nowadays, I'm 41 (this is the only place in the blogosphere where I've ever said that) and my newest close friend is a 23 year old guy. I guess that it just depends on the people themselves because I've met people older than me who seem younger and younger than me who seem older.
Happy 100th post!
Thanks, Velvet Girl. 41,ey? Just one year younger than Boomerdom.
Having multi-age friends is cool, although my closest friends are all mid-40s to mid-50s. Developing friends and work friends cover a wider age range (22 - nearly 60).
Thanks for visiting.
YAY BERNIE!!! You reached 100!!
And I agree with everyone else, you look great and you certainly don't sound like an oldster.
Probably why you have so many of us regulars who are younger than you!
Keep up the good work!
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