By the time I post this, someone will have already asked the inevitable question: If the election was today, and the candidates were Obama and Huckabee, who would you vote for?
The campaign has been going on for a year and the election is still eleven months away, but we finally have had an event that actually means something. The Iowa caucuses Thursday ended in victory for Democrat Obama and Republican Huckabee. Of course, this is just the beginning and these results are not definitive predictors of the future. A caucus is not an election and Iowa is fairly small. But this is a great start.
Here is what I like about these two winners. So many candidates sound alike as they try to appeal to the middle, but these two are reasonably specific about where they stand on issues and they are very different from each other. If these were the two candidates in the general election, my choice would be easy and clear.
We can only hope that this much clarity is evident in November.
Is Anybody Out There?
2 weeks ago
I was just thinking that for the entire totality of my legal voting life, either a Bush or a Clinton has been in the White House.
A change from either dynasty would be welcome, don'tcha think?
If I had to choose between the Bushes, I'd certainly prefer the first one.
I agree that would probably be good for new blood in the Oval Office.
uhhh that isn't even a real choice. obama of course.
I took a survey online that indicates which candidates are most closely alligned with one's beliefs and expectations for a President, based on the answers to about 20 questions. My results: Obama was at the top, Huckabee was near the bottom. I could have said that even without the survey, but it's interesting to compare.
I wouldn't count Clinton out just yet, however, and on the R side I think Romney still could get the nomination.
I'll post that survey link if I can find it.
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