Found this on Kim’s blog. She found it on myspace. KJ borrowed it from Kim.
Part of why I bother with these at all is that I’m obsessed with analyzing people, including myself. Another reason is to encourage other people to answer questions about themselves. I like reading them.
Sooo, please answer these questions on your blog and let me know where and when.
1) What holiday is your birthday closest to?
New Year’s Day if you count holidays that involve a day off from work; Valentine’s Day if you mean Hallmark holidays.
2) Favorite song?
I can’t name just one. These are songs I try to sing along with in the car: Friends In Low Places, You’ve Got A Friend and I Heard It Through The Grapevine. Dorky, I know.
3) Favorite fruits?
Nectarines, pears and strawberries.
4) Does it bother you when someone says they’ll call you and they don’t?
5) Are you allergic to anything?
Not that I know of.
6) Is there someone/something you want?
I want to take a year off from my normal life for a driving tour of the U.S. Ain’t gonna happen, but it’s something I want. Someone I want that I don’t already have? Do you really think I’d say it here?
7) When was the last time you went swimming?
Fifteen years ago. Really. Unless you count wading in the ocean as swimming; then it would be about four years ago.
8) How many states have you been to?
36 – Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Colorado, Hawaii.
9) How many of the states have you lived in?
5 – Maryland, Wisconsin, Illinois, Texas, Louisiana.
10) Have you ever lived outside of the US?
11) How many countries have you visited?
3 – Canada, Jamaica, Mexico
12) What’s your favorite kind of drink?
Coffee or Merlot
13) Does anyone like you?
14) Do you have any strange pets?
Sometimes I think my dogs are strange. They have incredible, unique personalities.
15) What is your dream car?
A fully restored ’67 Mustang.
16) What’d you do yesterday?
Mow the lawn. It’s almost an acre.
17) Who is the last person you fell asleep and woke up next to?
My wife.
18) Do you and your last ex have a good relationship?
Haven’t seen my last ex-girlfriend in years and I have no idea where she is. And I don’t especially care.
19) Where would you want to go on a first date?
Not applicable. :)
20) When’s the last time you were kissed?
Two nights ago.
21) Has anyone ever sang or played a song for you personally?
22) Ever been kissed under fireworks?
No, but what an interesting idea.
23) Have you ever bungee jumped?
24) Have you ever kayaked?
25) Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Once, in college. She was drunk and I was disgusted.
26) What sound are you listening to right now?
The whirr of the laptop fan and some TV show in another room.
27) What’s your favorite song of the moment?
I can’t pick just one.
28) What was the last movie you watched?
In theaters – Da Vinci Code (I don’t get out much). On TV – Hunt For Red October
29) Where is the last place you went besides home?
30) Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property?
No, why would I?
31) Have you ever been punched?
No, but I punched a guy in high school. He was trying to push me into a pool and didn’t believe I can’t swim. He never talked to me again.
32) Did you participate in any sports in high school?
I did everything I could to avoid sports in high school. If I had my current attitude about fitness back then, I might have gone out for track.
33) What do you usually order from Olive Garden?
If I ever went there, I’d probably order Veal Marsala.
34) Say something totally random about yourself.
Most people who know me in real life think I’m quite and reserved. They’d be shocked to see there is another side to my personality.
35) Do you have an iPod?
I’m certain I’m the last person on the planet who does not. I plan to get one later this year.
36) Has anyone said you look like a celebrity?
Back in the 90s when my hair was longer and darker I was told I look a little like Seinfeld.
37) Are you comfortable with your height?
38) How tall are you?
5’ 11”
39) Do you speak any other languages besides English?
No, but I wish I did.
40) Have you ever ridden in a limo?
Many times … funerals, weddings, some radio station promotions and parties.
41) Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
Family, yes; close friends, no.
42) Do you watch MTV?
Not since they traded in videos for teenage soap operas.
43) What’s something that really annoys you?
Drivers who tailgate.
44) Do you have a crush?
45) Do you drive when you go on long trips?
Always. I’m a nervous passenger.
46) What’s the longest time you’ve ever stayed out?
Around 6 or 7am. It’s been a long time since I did that.
47) Have you ever thought you were honestly going to die?
48) Were you ever rushed by an ambulance to the emergency room?
Yes, sort of. I fell down the stairs when I lived in one of those tiny row houses in Baltimore. It was 5 in the morning, they did have the lights on and maybe the siren, but I don’t think they were rushing.
49) Who is the best roommate you ever had?
Myself. I’m close to admitting that I’m hard to live with.
50) Who was the last person to text message you?
Deena at work; she was answering a question I texted her.
Is Anybody Out There?
2 months ago
so you look like seinfeld eh? lets see a picture! :>)
Actually I never believed that. I had a hair style like the one he had during the show's first year and I have a nose profile like his. The resemblance ends there, in my opinion.
I posted a fairly recent photo in January ... go here and scroll down a little:
Hey Seinfeld lookalike, as one boomer to another, wanna trade links?
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