The most Republican thing about the 40th President was his dislike for big government. Ronald Reagan’s inaugural speech included the sentence, “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
So why are there are two huge government-related facilities in Washington DC named for Reagan? Just wondering.
One is the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. It’s a huge structure on Pennsylvania Avenue, three blocks from the White House. The GSA (General Services Administration) runs the place and many of the tenants are Federal government agencies, including some Homeland Security offices.
The other is the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. It was called National Airport or Washington National Airport for its first forty-one years, but was renamed for President Reagan in 1998. Why would they name an airport for the President who fired all the air traffic controllers?
He must be spinning in his grave.
Is Anybody Out There?
2 months ago
I'm sure it has something to do with politicians having memories shorter than the average goldfish's.
Have you forgotten?? This is America where we do stupid things because we think we are the greatest country since sliced bread. It's a great place to live but we are an egomanic country. I'm afraid of what we will do to 'honor' Bush Jr. Yee Gads!!
Ian - I laugh every time I read this. Although I'm sure there is some kind of goldfish organization that will take umbrage with your reference. :)
eliz - Agree on all counts. The words Intellegence and Bush appear together on a road sign on the George Washington Parkway in DC. I laugh every time I see it. I believe the sign is labelling an exit for a Central Intellegence Agency facility that is named after Bush Sr., the smarter Bush. But it still makes me laugh.
When future politicians start naming things for "W", remember Ian's comment above.
i never understood reagan's supplicants and worshipers and never will.
I don't understand the worshipers either. He had charisma and made people feel good, but that just isn't enough in my opinion.
Although I'd take him over "W" any day.
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